The ICT-INOV learning intervention on gamified design thinking is deployed in the following courses at the University of Thessaly.
It is worth noting that as a result of project ICT-INOV 2 new courses were added on design thinking in the curricula of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, one undergraduate and one graduate. The courses are ECE553: Design thinking and MDE627: Design Thinking in Computer Engineering.
Course ECE329: Technology in Education see more
Courses ECE470: Software Engineering (undergraduate) and MDE602: Advanced Software Engineering (graduate) see more
Course ECE9251: Serious Games see more
Course ECE516: Game Design and Implementation see more
Course ECE113: Discrete Mathematics see more
Course ECE454: Machine Learning see more
Course ECE111: Physics 1 see more
Course MDE627: Design Thinking in Computre Engineering (graduate) see more
Course ECE553: Design Thinking see more
Course at the International University of Greece: Business Administration: see more
Course at the International University of Greece: Logistics see more