Description of the course
This is an introductory course aimed at introducing students to the concepts of mechanics and thermodynamics. The course covers topics related to straight and curvilinear motion, Newton’s laws and applications, forces, kinetic energy, dynamic energy, conservation of energy, inertia, rotational motion dynamics, gravity, fluid mechanics, and thermodynamics. The course covers both theory and practice. Upon completion of the course students can understand basic physics concepts and principles and laws related to material mechanics, fluid mechanics, and thermodynamics, can apply these concepts towards solving real-world problems, and have enriched critical thinking and collaboration skills.
Description of the participants
This is an obligatory course in the 1st year of studies in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Thessaly. In the fall 2022 – 2023 semester the course was attended by 180 students.
Description of gamified design thinking activities
The course includes a theoretical and a practical component. In the theoretical component of the course, students are exposed to physics principles through lectures. In the practical component, they are exposed to practical exercises. In this context, a project was developed deploying the ICT-INOV gamified design thinking approach. Students worked on the project throughout the semester in groups of 6 individuals.
The purpose of the project was to encourage students to establish mental associations between physics principles and clean energy production through renewable resources. The activity demonstrated the links between physics and real life. In addition, the activity promoted the development of critical thinking, analytical thinking, solution synthesis, solution evaluation, and team collaboration skills that are highly desirable in design thinking and innovation fostering environments.
The students worked on the following steps.
Step 1. Problem research and analysis of the current situation.
Students were challenged to research current energy production practices and to document areas for improvement for example in terms of cost, pollution, and safety.
Step 2. Ideation.
Students were challenged to research and document emerging and alternative energy production solutions based on renewable and other resources and know how that can enrich existing practices.
Step 3. Solution synthesis and prototyping.
Considering sustainable energy resources, students were challenged to design and prototype an environmentally friendly solution to the clean energy production challenge.