Event title
Drone and Robotic Arm Workshop.
Date and Location
The workshop was held on October 23, 2023 at the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Malaya.
The workshop was attended by 15 undergraduate students from several faculties of the University of Malaya.
Description of activities
The event was conducted by students committee of the IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) UM Affinity Student Branch and took place on October 23, 2023 at Bilik Kuliah 2, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Malaya with the aim of providing exposure to drone and robotic arm technologies as well as demonstrating their significance in industries. This workshop was organised in collaboration with IEEE UM Student Branch and IEEE UM Women In Engineering Affinity Group. A total of 15 students from different facilities have joined the workshop.
We divided the workshop into two sessions, where it started with a drone session and continued with a robotic arm session. During the first session, participants were introduced to drone technology, mainly Tello Edu Drone as it is developed for learning purposes. Participants were also introduced to the control algorithm of a drone where it was illustrated in flowchart, pseudocode and python code. By the end of the drone session, we demonstrated flight simulation of Tello Edu Drone by using the control algorithm we have presented. Participants were given the chance to control the movement of the drone by manipulating the python source code.
Proceed to the second session, participants were introduced to a robotic arm which has 6 Degree-of-Freedom (6DOF). It was assembled using Arduino UNO as its microcontroller, Arduino-compatible components and steel frames. The schematic design, step-by-step installation and source code of the robotic arm were provided to aid the participants’ understandings. By the end of this session, we demonstrated the movement of the assembled robotic arm. Participants were given the chance to make changes to its source code to observe the different angle of movement of the robotic arm.