Description of the course
This course provides insight into the emergence of digital business, key concepts, technologies, and strategic organization. Students develop a business plan for a business solution based on or supported by digital technologies and strategies. Subsequently, students deliver a business pitch based on their business plan. The implementation of customer support and change management issues are also discussed by examining practical management in certain organizations that are involved in creating and maintaining digital business solutions. At the end of this course, students are able to demonstrate the meaning, scope, and requirements of digital business and e-Commerce and their components, examine the business challenges and opportunities of introducing digital business and e-Commerce to an organization, and develop a digital business strategy and front-end application
Student assessment is based on quizzes, tests, assignments, class projects, and final examination. The design thinking methodology is applied in the class project that takes place from week 2 until week 15 of the semester. The class project contributes 30% to the overall course assessment.
Description of the participants
This is a technical elective subject in the 2nd or 3rd year of studies in the Bachelor’s in Information Systems program of the Informatics Department, College of Computing and Informatics, University Tenaga Nasional. In the 2022 – 2023 academic year 25 students at their 3rd year of studies attended the course.
Description of the design thinking activities
Six groups were formed, Adore, Daniel Online Tutoring System, Coffee2Door, MeDEX, DDS, and Online FoodTruck. Using the design thinking methodology, work was divided into 4 project activities.
Step 1: Empathizing.
Work was further divided into 2 tasks. In the 1st task each student was asked to describe three business ideas based on their interests, passions, or desirable skills. They were asked to highlight the problem they would focus on and identify the business values that stem from it. The groups were further required to work on a team canvas, to identify a name for their company, and create a logo and a tagline for promoting their business to their target market. As a result of this work, 6 business ideas were identified and assigned to the 6 student groups.
In the 2nd task each group was required to conduct market research using the PESTEL® analysis tool to discover more information about the business idea and build their knowledge. This included further researching the business problem that they would like to solve, researching potential solutions, identifying the customers or users, and identifying the added value of their business to the customers that would lead them use or buy their proposed business solutions. The result of this work was a brief report. In addition, students logged into the ICT-INOV digital learning platform, joined the course, and posted their ideas.
Step 2: Problem definition.
Students are required to revisit the outcomes of stage 1 and improve the produced report with more information. Work focused on the business problem and particularly how the company could create business value and make a profit from the proposed business solution. Students summarized their findings into a business model canvas and a value proposition canvas. They presented their findings to the class.
Step 3: Designing a business solution.
Students revisited the result of their work in step 2 and enriched it with additional content. Worked focused on how to design the proposed business solution and make the business idea work. Students gathered more information on potential customers and their needs, competitors, business requirements, constraints, competitive advantage, and target market. Based on this information they developed digital business strategies, a financial plan, and a digital marketing plan, in which they identified possible tools and platforms essential in marketing business solutions.
Step 4: Prototyping.
Students designed a high-fidelity prototype of a product or service prototype using software or apps, such as Wix.com®. They were encouraged to explore. Subsequently, students presented their prototype, described the customer journey, and recorded the pain and gain that are expected in the journey. Students revised and prepared a brief business presentation or business pitch to share ideas with future investors. The presentation consisted of the background of their company, the description of the business solution, the business model canvas, competitor analysis and discussion, digital business strategy diagram and description, digital marketing plan diagram and description, customer journey diagram and description, financial planning, and screenshots of the prototype. Finally, students demonstrated their prototypes to the class.