Event title
Developing Projects using Design Thinking & Notion Technology.
Date and location
The event took place on October 19, 2023 at the building of the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Universiti Malaya in conjunction with Academia Month launched by the Ministry of Education.
The workshop is attended by 23 participants, academic and non-academic staff, categorized into administration, research, technical, and management.
Description of activities
The workshop was divided into two sessions which ran in three hours. In the first session, we focused on Design Thinking. We provided an overview of the phases involved in the design thinking methodology, especially as it pertains to creating successful university projects. The session concluded with a group activity in which participants were presented with a case study and tasked with generating potential solutions by following the steps of the design thinking process.
In the second session, participants were introduced to the use of Notion for project management, specifically for the projects they had previously created. Throughout this session, participants identified any missing steps and worked to rectify them to ensure that their projects would achieve their objectives. At the conclusion of this session, participants were required to present the projects they had developed using Notion, highlighting the incorporation of design thinking principles.
The event was disseminated through UM official email and Institute for Advanced Studies’ Instagram(r) see more