Event title
The Innovation Technology Challenge 2021 (INTECH-21) Training of the Trainers (TOT) and Boot Camp Program.
Date and location:
The TOT Program took place in Cyrstal Crown Hotel, Petaling Jaya on the 25 – 28 May 2022. The Boot Camp for Intech-21 took place on the May 26 – 29, 2022 in Amverton Heritage Hotel, Melaka.
The event was attended by approximately 40 trainers from academic institution in Malaysia students and 200 students for the Boot Camp. The trainers and students comes form different institution from all over Malaysia.
Description of activities
INTECH-21 is national-level student entrepreneurship competition program provides opportunities for participants to use digital technology such as mobile applications and the digital economy to help enhance the productivity of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sponsored by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE). University of Malaya was invited to organize the training module as well as the competition by providing the trainers, the module as well the event management of the competition. The training was conducted in 2 occasions: the TOT in Petaling Jaya and the Boot Camp in Malacca.
Dr Raja Jamilah was invited as one of the trainer for both the TOT and the Boot Camp. The trainers and students were exposed to design thinking steps in the Agile UI/UX context of mobile app development. To develop a mobile app, the participants were shown how to start planning the development according to a more systematic development approach, through the UX Cycle that is related to the DT steps. The UX Cycle consists of the discover, explore , test, and listen cycles. The discover relates to the emphaty and define design thinking steps while the explore relates to the ideate and prototype steps. Finally, the test and listen related to the test cycle in design thinking.