Course description
The course develops knowledge of the principles and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students work in groups to develop an AI system and demonstrate its functionality. The course has been updated to include design thinking principles.
Description of the participants
This is a mandatory course in the 4th year of the Bachelors in Computer Engineering program conducted by the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering (IOC), Tribhuvan University. A total of 96 undergraduate students enrolled in the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering were engaged in the course in the spring 2024 semester.
Description of gamified design thinking activities
The ICT-INOV design thinking methodology for innovation and digital learning platform was introduced in the course in the spring 2024 semester. The methodology and platform will continue to be used in the following academic years.
Specifically, an activity named “Artificial Intelligence Project” was created in the ICT-INOV platform. The activity is tailored directly to the needs of the course, although it can be used in other similar courses.
Students worked in groups of 3 – 4 individuals. The number of teams engaged in the project was 32. The activity was structured through design thinking steps as follows:
Step 1. Team building and introduction.
Students were asked to create teams and select a team name. Furthermore, they were asked to select an AI project to work on and briefly present it to the class.
Step 2. Dataset description.
Students selected a dataset to use in their project implementation.
Step 3. Prototype development.
Students developed a working prototype system. They posted characteristics screenshots or photos of their system on the ICT-INOV digital learning platform.
Step 4. Final presentation and report.
Students presented the final implementation of their project and corresponding implementation report. They uploaded the presentations on the course shared digital space and posted the links on the ICT-INOV digital learning platform. Furthermore, students posted on the ICT-INOV platform links to their source code and datasets and characteristics screenshots of their implemented project.