Location, context, time, and duration
A 5th instructor training event took place at the Engineering School of the Porto Polytechnic on the January 23, 2024. The event followed the same organization of the 1st instructor event and was organized in a mix of theoretical and practical application.
The event was attended by 17 teachers and researchers of the school of engineering of the Porto Polytechnic.
Description of activities
The event was divided into 2 sessions:
The 1st session involved a presentation of theoretical concepts about active learning, design thinking, and gamification as well as presentation of related projects.
The 2nd session involved practice with the ICT-INOV platform. Participants experienced the educator and student interfaces.
On the educator side, the audience was able to see how to create an activity, how to post instructions for students for each design thinking steps, the platform analytics, the gamification elements that promote engagement through rewards, the access to the reference manual, the calendar of activities, and more. Furthermore, the audience accessed the resource library available in the platform, which includes suggested exercises for each design thinking step from which educators can select ideas for integrating into the activities they design for their students.
On the student side, the audience saw how students register to a class, join a team, and participate in design thinking by sharing ideas on a common team working space. In addition, how to ask for help from the instructor and to open the team canvas to the entire class for additional feedback, if so desired.
The audience also saw the current ICT-INOV activities developed in Portugal and in the other countries.
Documents and content used
A presentation was prepared describing design thinking and gamification in general and the ICT-INOV project objectives. The ICT-INOV platform was used by the participants.
Feedback and dissemination
The event was presented on the Engineering school portal. It was further disseminated through a mailing list that includes all the professors and researchers of the school.