Location, context, time, and duration
Following the 3 instructor trainings that were conducted earlier, the 4th instructor training Instructor Refresher Hi Tea was organized as a continuation for the pilot instructors who have agreed to be on board for this project. The session was dedicated to sharing experiences and hands-on guideline of design thinking concept and the usage of ICT-INOV platform. The session took place in UNITEN Design Thinking Lab, on level 5, Information Resource Centre.
The session was attended by 10 lecturers from University Tenaga Nasional who would be implementing design thinking in their ICT courses in the upcoming semester in September.
Description of activities
The event was a half day sharing session where each instructor explained about which course and what topic in each of the instructor’s course outline will apply the design thinking approach. Project manager, Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Hazleen Aris also introduced ICT-INOV platform during the session and coached the pilot instructors on how to use the platform throughout their implementation of the design thinking approach next semester.
Feedback and web presence
All pilot instructors’ participants provided positive comments on the existing ICT-INOV platform. By using the platform, instructors were able to share various design thinking innovations with each other in their ICT course. The instructors also showed enthusiasm in sharing their own design thinking activities in the platform in the near future.