B.4.4 4th instructor training with instructors and educators from different institutions on December 6, 2023
Location, context, time, and duration
The 4th instructor-training event took place on December 4, 2023 in a face-to-face event with a duration of 2 hours. The aim of the event was to promote the ICT-INOV objectives, demonstrate how the design thinking methodology works, and show the functionality of the ICT-INOV platform.
A total of 20 instructors and educators attended the training event from different institutions at different educational levels.
Description of activities
The event opened with a presentation of ICT-INOV project objectives, which familiarized participants with the steps of the gamified design thinking approach. The presentation was focused on the possibility of creating innovation in classes by encouraging students to use creativity and high-skill problem-solving. In particular, the phases of team building, problem discovery, empathy, ideation, prototyping, and testing were presented.
Subsequently, the ICT-INOV platform was demonstrated by introducing key functionality and use in the framework of the project methodology implementation through practical scenarios already deployed by students.
Finally, a discussion group was organized to collect feedback and comments on the current use of gamified design thinking methodology and tools developed in the ICT-INOV project timeline and their integration into the training curricula.
Feedback and web presence
Participants provided positive feedback on the methodology and the platform. According to comments, the only challenge that could impact the teaching experience is the non-interrupted availability an internet connection. Should connectivity be interrupted, participants suggested continuing the process off-line.
See the presentation used in the event.