Location, context, time, and duration
The 3rd instructor-training event, titled “ICT-INOV methodology for innovators”, took place on-line using MSTeams®. The event was co-organized by EUTrack and SCIENTIX in the context of Science On-line Workshop 16 over the period March 6 – 20, 2023.
A total of 20 educators attended the event from different European countries.
Description of activities
Participants had the opportunity to become familiar with the design thinking methodology and the ICT-INOV project objectives, methodology, and tools for developing innovation skills.
The agenda of the event was as follows:
- Week 1, Monday 06 March 2023 (17:00-18:00 CET), 1-hour webinar, introduction and workshop presentation
- Week 2, Monday 13 March 2023 (17:00-18:30 CET), online session of 1.5 hours
- Between sessions 1 and 2, asynchronous homework for participants
- Week 3, Monday 20 March 2023 (17:00-18:30 CET), online session of 1.5 hour
The design thinking methodology and the steps of empathy, definition, ideation, prototyping, and testing were introduced during the first session of the event. As homework, the participants were expected to create the account as a student in the ICT-INOV digital learning platform and to check the platform functionality for students.
During the second training session the ICT-INOV platform was demonstrated, including functionality useful to manage the design thinking process through the creation of on-line activities especially introduced for the workshop.
By the end of the event, participants could access and test the digital learning platform functionality from both the teacher and student perspective through practical examples. Specifically, from the student point of view participants learnt how they could join a class and a team, to post and, in general, to navigate. From the teacher point of view they learnt how to manage learning activity on the platform and how to organize student work in small groups.
The event concluded with a final discussion and open questions that provided the participants with the information needed to initiate their own activities with their students.
Feedback and web presence
Participants provided positive feedback on the ICT-INOV methodology and digital learning platform. Some educators stated their intention to use both the project methodology and platform with their students by using also as examples the learning scenarios already publicly available.
The event was promoted through social network on EU-Track and SCIENTIX profiles, such as https://twitter.com/scientix_eu/status/1629783330689277952.