Event title
Design thinking good practices and sharing of experiences.
Location, context, time, and duration
Early in March 2023, University Tenaga National organized a seminar where instructors, students and members of academia are invited to join the sharing session for knowledge and experiences exchanged in related to the design thinking implementation in ICT courses at the university. The seminar served as a platform for instructors to present their design thinking implementation to Design Thinking experts and gained their feedback. The event then continued with a hybrid forum that was open to academics, students and public viewers. The forum is conducted in hybrid mode at the Advanced Learning, Information Resource Centre, University Tenaga Nasional for the physical mode and on the Facebook live for the online participants.
The session was attended by 20 participants, 3 speakers, 1 Government-linked University (GLU) Design Thinking research partner, 5 University Tenaga Nasional course instructors and more attended the webinar online via the Facebook Live.
Description of activities
The one-day event is divided in two sections. The first section was conducted in a sharing session where each instructor explained about a specific topic and the design thinking activities that they have deployed in their classes for the past three semesters. Each instructor also shared on how the marking rubrics will reflect the implementation of Design Thinking in their courses. The second section was dedicated to a hybrid forum titled “Design Thinking Application: Science, Technology & Business Education”. The forum was officiated by an invited guess, Mr Raja Segaran, Director for Strategy, Research and Intelligence, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC). The hybrid seminar on the Design Thinking Application in Science, Technology and Business Education was delivered in a forum setting with three design thinking academic practitioners were the panellists – Professor Dr. Sofri Yahya from the School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Mr. Chuah Kee Man from the Faculty of Communication, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UMS) and Associate Professor Dr. Hazleen Aris from the College of Computing and Informatics, Universiti Tenaga Nasional. They shared their knowledge and experiences on the application of design thinking as an effective approach in teaching and learning to produce creative and innovative graduates sought after by the industries/employers.
Feedback and web presence
Instructors shared their implemented Design Thinking activities in their courses and the usage of the ICT-INOV platform. The invited design thinking experts gave their comments and feedback on the activities and implementation of design thinking on respective courses for further improvement. The instructors also showed enthusiasm in the ideas of how design thinking activities can improve students’ innovativeness in solving problems and achieving the intended outcomes of the learning.
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Facebook live see link