Location, context, time, and duration
The 2nd instructor training took place at the Active Learning Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering on 06 February, 2024
The event was attended by 15 faculty members of the Schools of Science, Engineering, and Management of Kathmandu University.
Description of activities
Kathmandu University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a half-day training session titled “Instructor Training on Design Thinking in Education” for training faculty members of the School of Engineering on February 6, 2024 in the university’s Active Learning Lab that has been developed through project ICT-INOV.
The event started with a welcome speech from Prof. Dr. Sudan Jha, who welcomed participants emphasizing the importance and need of related events. The session familiarized the participants with the concept and implementation of design thinking in education. Prof. Dr. Manish Pokharel, Principal Investigator of ICT -INOV project at Kathmandu University, shared his ideas on the adaptation of recent emerging technology and design thinking in teaching and learning practices with the concepts of rapid learning, unlearning, and relearning.
Dr. Hariklia Tsalapatas from University of Thessaly, Greece, Coordinator of the ICT-INOV project shared her experience of implementation of design thinking in different academic courses at the University of Thessaly and other academic institutions of Greece.
Asst. Prof. Dhiraj Shrestha of Kathmandu University facilitated the event with a hands-on session on the Design Thinking platform of the project.
Feedback and dissemination
The event was disseminated through Kathmandu University’s social media pages see link.