Location, context, time, and duration
The 2nd instructor training event of ICT-INOV took place at Tallinn University on August 24, 2022 as part of the Tallinn University ELU seminar. ELU is an interdisciplinary project that all the students, both undergraduate and graduate, are required to enroll in. The project is usually coordinated by university staff. The ELU seminars are organized twice a year. They have the format of a workshop, in which ELU supervisors build new skills and become familiar with new tools. The event took place at the ELU study area, which is an open space designed for collaborative work with no stationary computers. The event had a duration of 3 hours with a half an 1-hour break in the middle.
The event was attended by Tallinn University staff members who are ELU project supervisors. The event was attended by 25 individuals.
Description of activities
The event started with an introduction of the objectives of the ELU project, materials, and deadlines. Then participants introduced themselves. Prof. Jaanus Terasmaa delivered a presentation why design thinking is useful in ELU projects and Triinu Jesmin continued with the introduction of design thinking methodology.
After this theoretical session, a practical workshop followed. Participants were introduced to the ICT-INOV portal and digital learning platform, including the functionality from the point of view of student and educator. In addition, participants were exposed to a specific class in the ICT-INOV digital learning platform that has been developed for supporting an ELU project. The audience had the opportunity experience how students in the class used the platform to collaborate in their projects through content and idea sharing. The event closed with an open question and discussion and sharing of informational material.
The feedback on the event was very positive. Some of the instructors opted to use the ICT-INOV platform in their student projects and some asked for additional individual help with he platform functionality. The ELU coordinator requested the organization of an additional similar training event for staff.