2nd instructor training at Tribhuvan University 27/7/2022

The 2nd instructor training event took place in the ICT-INOV lab in the Center for Energy Studies (CES), Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University on July 27, 2022. The main objective of the training was to familiarize faculty members and instructors with the ICT-INOV digital learning platform for innovation.

The event was attended by 21 individuals, including faculty members, instructors, researchers, and staff at Tribhuvan University.

The program started with introductory remarks from the Director of the Center for Energy Studies, Prof. Dr. Tri Ratna Bajracharya. Subsequently, the participants briefly introduced themselves.

The training was delivered by Assistant Prof. Dr. Aman Shakya. The trainer started by giving an overview of the ICT-INOV project and the ICT-INOV gamified design thinking methodology. Then, he presented an overview of the ICT-INOV digital learning platform for innovation with a live demo. He demonstrated the use of the platform for creating innovation building activities and courses on-line. He further discussed how the ICT-INOV digital learning platform can be integrated into curricula courses. The demo was followed by hands-on trial in which participants used the digital tools see more.

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