1st instructor training event series at the University of Malaya, on August 3, August 30, and September 28, 2022
Location, context, time, and duration
A series of events took place on 3 separate dates at the University of Malaya, namely August 3, August 30, and September 28, 2022. The events took place in a hybrid more, virtually and face to face in the lab developed in the context of the ICT-INOV project.
The events were attended by lecturers from the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti of Malaya. The participants were from the department of Software Engineering, Information Systems, Computer systems, and Technology and Artificial Intelligence.
Description of activities
Activities focused on the introduction to the function of the equipment purchased in the context of the ICT-INOV project, namely smart phones, sketch pads, cameras for communication, DIY Robot Set, and IoT devices and sensors.
The workshop started on the August 3, 2022 with the presentation by JutaMas representatives, the providers of ICT-INOV equipment, on the hardware delivered by them for building the ICT-INOV lab, namely smartphones, sketch pads, and cameras. Then on August 30 and September 28, 2022 Micro Concept Tech Sdn Bhd, providers of ICT-INOV equipment, delivered the DIY Robot Set equipment and provided a presentation and demonstration of its use.