Location, context, time, and duration
The event took place virtually.
The event was attended by 11 lecturers from the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya. The participants were from the department of Software Engineering, Information Systems, Computer systems and Technology and Artificial Intelligence.
Description of activities
The objectives of the event were to present the process of design thinking and game-based learning, to identify the appropriate equipment for the ICT-INOV design thinking lab, and to discuss the learning approach for using design thinking in real-life courses.
The event started with the presentation by Dr. Raja Jamilah Raja Yusof on ICT-INOV grant objectives and expectations. The researchers were briefed on what is expected of their role in the Erasmus grant which involved the usage of design thinking and gamification in the classes conducted by the lecturers.
Next, Assoc. Prof. Dr Aishah Abu Bakar gave a presentation on design thinking and game-based learning. Her presentation was very interesting and motivating. It explained the importance of understanding design thinking for the future generation to equip them with relevant knowledge to address the current challenges.
Furthermore, Dr. Raja Jamilah presented to the audience the potential equipment to be used in the project. At the same time, Dr. Raja Jamilah provided the audience with the opportunity to suggest other equipment that could be usable in the teaching lab.
Lastly, Dr Rodina shared some information about the possibility of publication from the ICT-INOV research grants. She shared several useful research papers that can be used as guidance for replicating the research.
The workshop continued the next day, with the engagement of the audience in design thinking and gamification activities. The information about the workshop was distributed among group members through email and shared google documents.