Course description
The course introduces a practical approach the challenge of improving life quality by designing IT services for digital transformation in Ho Chi Minh City. Students are guided to solve the problem through design thinking. This course includes 2 parts. The 1st part introduces design thinking. The 2nd part involves project work in teams. Upon completion of the course, participants can understand and apply in practice the basic concepts of design thinking.
Description of the participants
This course was introduced to Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City’s students on Aug 1st and 4th, 2022. A total of 70 students attended the 2 sessions.
Description of gamified design thinking activities
Activities were organized as follows:
Step 1: Team building.
Students were randomly assigned in 6 teams and engaged in team building activities in the form of mini games that helped break the ice. In addition, team members decided on a team name and designed a team logo.
Step 2: Understanding the problem.
Students were challenged to research how digital transformation can improve life quality of citizens through innovative ICT services.
Step 3: Understanding users.
Students were encouraged to survey or interview stakeholders, namely their classmates, in order to understand user needs.
Step 4: Point of view.
Using the results of the above steps, students redefined the problem and presented it to users to ensure that they had understood user needs clearly.
Step 5: Brainstorming and design with creativity techniques.
Students were asked to research and design a solution to the redefined problem. Then, each team presented and defended their solution to the entire class and received feedback.